Training and education of auditors

Training not only benefits your employee, but also your team and, last but not least, your company. Employee training generates motivation and satisfaction among your employees. The knowledge can be brought directly into your company and automatically amortize the costs. Training also counteracts fluctuation, your company remains professionally state of the art and thus competitive.

The DIIR Auditing Standard No. 3 "Auditing of Internal Auditing Systems (Quality Assessments)" also specifies professional and auditing training as a criterion. In this respect, as an auditing and consulting company with many years of expertise, we offer training in the auditing environment for you and your employees. CPE (Continuing Professional Education) points can also be earned here.  

 We offer training with best-practice approaches from our many years of auditing experience on the following topics:

  • commercial auditing
  • commercial consulting
  • IT auditing
  • branch auditing
  • data protection 
  • selected special topics.


Please feel free to contact us on the subject of training at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.